RF Mems Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits
定價: | ¥ 2841 |
作者: | Ai-Qun Liu |
出版: | Springer-Verlag New YorkInc.; Edition |
書號: | 9780387462615 |
語言: | 簡體中文 |
日期: | 2010-09-03 |
版次: | | 頁數: | 284 |
開本: | 16開 | 查看: | 0次 |
服務商城 | 客服電話 | 配送服務 | 優惠價 | 購買 |
| 400-711-6699 | 滿29至69元,免運費! | ¥2131 | |
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) stand poised for thenext major breakthrough in the silicon revolution that began withthe transistor in the 1960s and has revolutionizedmicroelectronics. MEMS allow one to not only observe and processinformation of all types from small scale systems, but also toaffect changes in systems and the environment at that scale. "RFMEMS Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits" builds on theextensive body of literature that exists in research papers onanalytical and numerical modeling and design based on RF MEMSswitches and micromachined switching circuits, and presents aunified framework of coverage. This volume includes, but is notlimited to, RF MEMS approaches, developments from RF MEMS switchesto RF switching circuits, and MEMS switch components in circuitsystems. This book also: -Presents RF Switches and switchingcircuit MEMS devices in a unified framework covering all aspects ofengineering innovation, design, modeling, fabrication, control andexperimental implementation -Discusses RF switch devices in detail,with both system and component-level circuit integration usingmicro- and nano-fabrication techniques -Includes an emphasis ondesign innovation and experimental relevance rather than basicelectromagnetic theory and device physics "RF MEMS Switches andIntegrated Switching Circuits" is perfect for engineers,researchers and students working in the fields of MEMS, circuitsand systems and RFs.