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介紹ANSYS公司三維電磁場仿真軟件HFSS和電路仿真軟件Designer的場路協同仿真功能和相關案例,以電路仿真環境作為整體平臺,將射頻微波器件的若干電磁場部件作為子設計集成進電路系統仿真平臺中,而ANSYS HFSS和Designer的集成不僅僅是單向數據的導入,而是雙向動態鏈接,即子設計的任何變化會實時自動反饋至電路系統仿真平臺,無需重新將子設計的仿真數據打包再集成。ANSYS的場路協同真正意義上實現了電磁場和電路的無縫鏈接,能夠對射頻微波器件的整體性能進行高效、精準的仿真。
• ANSYS Solution Brief Introduction
? ANSYS HFSS Introduction
? ANSYS Designer Introduction
? ANSYS Co-Simulation Solution
• Example: 16 Way Power Divider Design
• Example: Antenna System Co-Simulation
HFSS is a high-performance full-wave electromagnetic(EM) field simulator for arbitrary 3D volumetric passive device modeling. It integrates simulation, visualization, solid modeling, and automation in an easy-to-learn environment where solutions to your 3D EM problems are quickly and accurately obtained. HFSS employs the Finite Element Method (FEM),adaptive meshing, and brilliant graphics to give you unparalleled performance and insight to all of your 3D EM problems.Ansoft HFSS can be used to calculate parameters such as S-Parameters, Resonant Frequency, and Fields.